Core Values
At Vigilant, we believe the best businesses and business partners have depth to their ethos which drives them to consistently work hard for those they serve. Vigilant's core values serve as a glimpse into our company culture and DNA and are here for you to get to know us better. They're also here to help identify like-minded talent who may be interested in joining us in our endeavors as we expand our team. Lastly, they also serve as a form of accountability from the leadership down to ensure we're always focused on the right reasons for doing what we do.
Be Vigilant. Vigilant is a way of life that keeps us present in the moment with a passion to protect our clients and help them succeed.
Next Faithful Steps. Success calls us to understand our goals and the very next thing we must do to accomplish them.
We > Me. We are stronger as a team. We check our egos at the door.
Celebrate Life. Our past wins and future opportunities compel us to celebrate today. We work hard. We play hard.
Persevering. We are focused on the win. We persevere through failures. Everyday is a chance to get better at something. Stay humble. Stay hungry.